Enum Best Practices

Enum Best Practices

There are different options to implement enums in Scala. The landscape is roughly:

1. scala.Enumeration

Pros: Library code only. Does not create a class per enum value for simple enums without behaviour.
Cons: need to use dependent types to refer to the type of an enum. Mechanism to list all enums by name is a bit fragile (it depends on Java reflection).

2. Use Java enums.

Pros: Does not create a class per enum value for simple enums without behaviour. Pattern matching on these types checks exhaustiveness. Can be used naturally by Java clients.
Cons: Have to write a few .java files

3. Use sealed case class heirarchies (aka Algebraic Data Types)

Pros: Pattern matching checks exhaustiveness. Easy to customize behaviour in subclasses (overriding methods or introducing new methods)
Cons: Always creates a class for each case. More verbose options 1 and 2. No support to list all cases or to look up a case by name.

4. Use something like Viktor’s enhanced version of scala.Enumeration, see https://gist.github.com/viktorklang/1057513

Pros: as per the description in the Gist. Not a lot of code to copy/paste into your utils package.
Cons: non standard solution.

There have been a few proposals to add language support for true enums to a future version of Scala. Ideally these would emit bytecode that javac would see as a true java enumeration, would support enumeration of the cases and lookup by name, and not require multiple classes per bytecode. However, these proposals so far have been prototyped with experimental additions to the compiler (macro annotations). These are not on our roadmap for the production Scala compiler. So it is a little hard to predict if and when the proposal will be incorporated.

In support, we tend to suggest options 3, and option 2 selectively if reducing bytecode size or Java interop demands it.

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